Wednesday, January 24, 2018

New winter activity dates: February 1st and 8th


  Due to the lack of snow, the winter activity dates have been changed to include our alternate date, February 8th.  Our fun-filled days at Tawingo will start next Thursday and will continue the following Thursday.  Volunteers are now needed for the February 8th date. (Thank you to the parents who volunteered for the postponed January 25th date!)  If you are available to help, please contact me via e-mail: or by writing a note in your child's agenda.  Wishing for snow in Room 204 ...

Mme Lindsay

Spaghetti Dinner Silent Auction Basket

Hello parents/guardians!

Our class has been assigned a basket to help put together for an upcoming Silent Auction at the Spaghetti Dinner on February 7th, 2018.   All monies raised will help to support school activities.  Our class chosen the theme of the "Eco Friendly Basket" and we've been asked to collect items for this basket.

Possible items: water bottles, lunch container, eco cleaning supplies (cloths and products), compost bags and small house bin, shopping bags, bins or cart

We appreciate all of your help! If you have any questions please speak with Mme. Lindsay or myself.

Bonne journée!

Mme. Campbell 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Third Snow Day in a Row! Important Date Changes

Hello all!

I can hardly believe we've had three snow days in a row! I hope that buses will be running tomorrow.

I've had a couple of students ask me some questions about due dates and given the three snow days in a row, I will be moving the following quizzes/assignments to the dates below:

1. Spelling Quiz (was supposed to be Monday) will be tomorrow, Wednesday, January 24th.
2. Social Studies: Research Project (was supposed to be due Friday) will now be due Monday, January 29th. I will give students a good chunk of time on Friday to work on their projects as well as the weekend to make finishing touches. Students will begin presenting their findings on Monday with their partners.

Of course, if there are more snow days, I will make more changes and keep you updated on the blog. If you have any questions, please email me at

Take care,

Mme. Campbell

Friday, January 19, 2018

Spelling Quiz Date Moved

Hello parents/guardians,

Given that the buses were cancelled today, today's spelling quiz will be moved to Monday, January 22nd.

Enjoy your weekend!

Take care,

Mme. Campbell

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Area and Perimeter quiz this Friday, January 12th

  Bonne année!  We are excited to be back together in class and hear of everyone's adventures over the Christmas break.
  We will be having an area and perimeter quiz this Friday, January 12th.  We will be doing a practice quiz together on Wednesday and students are welcome to bring their math duotangs home to study.
  Keep checking our class calendar during the winter months.  There are lots of events planned, including two days of winter activities at Tawingo, four possible cross country ski races and a snowshoe on the property across the road from Riverside.

Mme Lindsay

Inquiry Project: Political Regions

Inquiry Project: Political Regions

Hello parents/guardians!

Happy New Year! I hope that you and your families enjoyed the holidays. We have been learning about the political regions of Canada in class. Your child will be completing an inquiry-based research project on one of the provinces or territories of Canada. This will be our first partner assignment.

Students will find a partner based on their mutual interests and curiosities about Canada’s political regions (guided by me). They will be given class time over the next three weeks to complete the project, but may have to put some finishing touches on their projects at home. Students will be able to complete research during class time from online research and curriculum related handouts we have been using for Social Studies thus far. Each student will have an individual graphic organizer to gather and record information to put together their final project. The final project is to be presented on either a piece of Bristol board or a Google slides presentation.

The students have been given a handout with instructions/guidelines and a rubric (both attached in this post). This project is due on Friday, January 26th and we will begin presentations to share our findings on this day. Presentations will be about 3-5 minutes.

The project needs to include the following information:

  1. The name of the political region.
  2. Inquiry question(s)/wondering(s).
  3. The name of the capital city and major bodies of water.
  4. The populations of the capital city and political region.
  5. A description of the physical region(s) it belongs to. If the political region belongs to more than one, they must describe each one.
  6. The climat.
  7. Natural resources.
  8. Major tourist attractions.
  9. Industries or products that the political region is known for.
  10.  Information and pictures of animals and the flower that is representative of the province/territory.
  11. A picture of the flag of the political region.
  12.  At least 3 interesting facts on the political region.
  13.  Answer(s) to the inquiry question(s)/wondering(s).

The students have watched me present and model an example of this assignment in class. Further, I will be conferencing, supporting, and guiding students throughout the inquiry and research process.

Should you have any questions concerning this project please contact me either through your child’s agenda or email.

Take care,

Madame Campbell 

Projet d’enquête: Les régions politiques

Dans les partenaires, vous choisirez et ferez de la recherche sur une région politique du Canada qui vous intéresse. Vous montrerez votre recherche en créant une affiche ou une présentation de Google Slides. Il doit être complété par vendredi, le 26 janvier pour être présenté à la classe.

Mon partenaire : _________________________________
Notre région : ___________________________________
Notre format : ___________________________________

Comme démontré dans le modèle de Madame, vous devez inclure :

1. Le nom de la région politique.
2. Votre/vos question(s) d’enquête sur la région politique.
3. Le nom de la ville capitale et les plans d’eau.
4. Les populations de la ville capitale et de la région politique.
5. Une description de la/les région(s) physiographique(s) qu’elle appartient à.
6. Le climat.
7. Les ressources naturelles.
8. Les attractions touristiques principales.
9. Les industries ou produits trouvés dans la région politique.
10. L’information et les images des animaux et de la fleur qui est représentative de la région politique.
11. Une image du drapeau de la région politique.
12. Au moins 3 faits intéressants de la région politique.
13. Votre/vos réponse(s) d’enquête sur la région politique.

Rubric - Grade 4 Social Studies Inquiry Project:
Political Regions of Canada  

Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Knowledge and Understanding
-I can identify few and show little understanding of characteristics of my political region
-I can identify and show some understanding of some characteristics of my political region
-I can identify and show understanding of several characteristics of my political region
-I can identify and show excellent understanding of  many characteristics of my political region
Thinking, Inquiry, and Communication Skills
-I provide limited information on my political region
-I demonstrate a limited ability to sort and communicate information found from my research
-I provide some information on my political region
-I demonstrate some ability to sort and communicate information found from my research
-I provide a considerable amount of information on my political region in detail
-I demonstrate considerable ability to sort and communicate information found from my research
-I provide an insightful amount of information in great detail on my political region
-I demonstrate an insightful ability to sort and communicate information found from my research
-My poster/slide is not organized and includes limited information
-Visual aids are minimal and unclear
-My poster/slide is somewhat organized and includes some relevant and factual information
-Visual aids are somewhat clear and logical
-My poster/slide is organized and includes relevant and factual information
-Visual aids are clear and logical
-My poster/slide is very well organized and includes insightful and factual information
-Visual aids have an element of creativity and style   
Group Work (self-evaluation)
-I did not share the work equally with my partner
-I did not respect, encourage and support the ideas of my partner
-I did not listened to my partner
-I somewhat shared the work equally with my partner
-I sometimes respected, encouraged and supported the ideas of my partner
-I sometimes listened to my partner
-I shared the work equally with my partner
-I respected, encouraged and supported the ideas of my partner
-I listened to my partner
-I shared the work equally with my partner and offered assistance
-I always respected, encouraged and supported the ideas of my partner
-I always listened to my partner

A big debate and creating treasure maps

  For the final focus in our study of rocks and minerals, we looked at a real-life local issue that involved the environmental impact of ext...