Pulleys and Gears Project
Make something work, move or open with a pulley and/or gear system!
Date Assigned: Friday, December 1st, 2017
Due Date: Monday, December 18, 2017
Name of Student: ___________________________
Dear Parent/Guardian;
As a final activity for our recent study in Science, your child has been asked to build something that uses a pulley or pulleys and/or gears to make something work. Here are some ideas:
- A working drawbridge
- A tree fort with a pulley system that will people to bring up heavy supplies
- A working flagpole
- A way to return your toothbrush to its container
- A zipline
- A ride for an amusement park
- A simple toy
- A way for Santa to move toys easily in and out of his sleigh
- An elf hat remover
You are welcome to help your child to identify and gather any materials he or she may need for this project and to help with its construction. All work for this project, including the write-up, should be completed at home.
The rest will be up to him/her, as he/she will be expected to complete the attached design project sheets (en français). The written portion of the project includes an explanation of how the simple machines made the task easier and a neat, labelled diagram that shows the direction of force, the direction of movement (mouvement) and the load or charge (en français) that was moved.
A rubric, which shows how this project will be evaluated, is attached. Have fun with your future engineer and let me know if you have any questions! Mme Lindsay anne.lindsay@tldsb.on.c
- Mon schéma
Fais un schéma (diagram) détaillé de ton invention. Montre les matériaux dont ta structure est faite et étiquete (label) les engrenages et/ou les poulies. Aussi, montre la direction de la force, la direction du mouvement et la charge.
2. Explanation
A quoi sert ton invention? (i.e. Mon système de poulies aide des lutins à mettre des cadeaux dans le traineau du Père Noël.) Comment est-ce que des poulies et/ou des engrenages rendent la tâche plus facile? (i.e. Avec mon système de poulies, les lutins peuvent soulever des cadeaux très lourds. Avec les poulies, ça prend moins de force et les lutins peuvent tirer dans une direction et les cadeaux vont aller dans la direction opposée.)
(Note: L’explanation peut être envoyé à Mme Lindsay via Google Drive.)
Rubric - Grade 4 Pulleys and Gears Project
Name: ____________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
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App Application - creation of the the device
-limited or no pulleys and gears involved in the structure
-basic pulleys and/or gears involved in the structure - do not always work
-pulleys and/or gear system evident
-works consistently to complete a task
-sophisticated pulley and/or gear system that allows for a task to be completed consistently and more easily
and Understanding
-limited ability to identify the advantages of pulleys and/or gears
-can identify some advantages of pulleys and/or gears
-can identify several advantages of pulleys and/or gears
-can identify many advantages of pulleys and/or gears
C Communication
-diagram of structure difficult to interpret
-limited use of scientific vocabulary
-some information provided by diagram
-some use of scientific vocabulary
-considerable amount of information provided by diagram
-correct use of scientific vocabulary
-diagram is highly effective in providing information
-considerable and effective use of scientific vocabulary