Thursday, May 17, 2018

Trip to Algonquin Park!

We’re going to Algonquin Park!

When:  next Friday, May 25, 2018
            9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Why:  to have a chance to study science, specifically rocks and minerals and wildlife research, in the context of beautiful Algonquin Park!

What:  We will be participating in two programs at the park, led by naturalist (and parent!) Kevin Clute:
  1. Algonquin Rocks!  A study of how the rocks and minerals of Algonquin Park affect the growth and survival of living things.
  2. Technology and Wildlife:  How many moose are there in the Park?  Where are the wolves? Through hands-on activities, we will learn how technology helps biologists to study wildlife.

How much?  Thanks to Kevin’s generosity, the students in our class will not have to pay the programming fee.  The cost of $8 is to cover the cost of the bus, only. Please note that there is a gift shop at the Visitors’ Centre with books and artifacts that students may want to purchase.

What students should bring: clothing and footwear for outdoor activities, a bag lunch

Can I come along?  Absolutely!  At least one parent volunteer is needed to make this trip possible.  Please e-mail me at if you are interested.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Mme Lindsay

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