Thursday, December 7, 2017

Class Secret Santa

Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

Once you've found the perfect gift
and you know it's meant to be -
wrap it up! Label it!
Then, place it under the class Christmas tree!
During the last school week in December,
our secrets will be revealed.
As we each find our present 
and our gifts become unsealed!

With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, we have decided to do a Secret Santa with the students in our class. The students will be drawing names on Monday, December 11th, so that they know who to get a gift for. There will be a $5.00 limit to spend on a gift; however, students may also choose to make or create a gift for their Secret Santa.

Secret Santa Agenda:

Wednesday, December 20th: each student gives their secret Santa one written hint about themselves. 
Thursday, December 21st: each student gives their secret Santa a second written hint about themselves.
Friday, December 22nd: class Christmas party to celebrate the holidays and give their secret Santa gifts.

If you have any questions or concerns please talk to Mme. Lindsay or Mme. Campbell.

Happy holidays!

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