Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Social Studies Quiz

Hello everyone!

Our class will be having a quiz on Wednesday, December 20th for Social Studies.

In class today we went over what will be on the quiz. The students will be required to label the provinces/territories on a map. Then, they will be asked 3-5 questions about capital cities. We've been doing lots of practice in class through mapping, games, and online Kahoot quizzes.

If the students would like to practice and study at home, they have been encouraged to bring their yellow Social Studies duotang home with them, which has studies materials for them to use.

If you have any questions, please write a note in the students' agendas or send me an email.

Happy Holidays!

Mme. Campbell

Friday, December 8, 2017

2D geometry quiz changed to Wednesday, December 13th

Hello!  Due to the bus day, the 2D geometry quiz has been changed to Wednesday, December 13th.  

Mme Lindsay

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Class Secret Santa

Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

Once you've found the perfect gift
and you know it's meant to be -
wrap it up! Label it!
Then, place it under the class Christmas tree!
During the last school week in December,
our secrets will be revealed.
As we each find our present 
and our gifts become unsealed!

With the Christmas holidays fast approaching, we have decided to do a Secret Santa with the students in our class. The students will be drawing names on Monday, December 11th, so that they know who to get a gift for. There will be a $5.00 limit to spend on a gift; however, students may also choose to make or create a gift for their Secret Santa.

Secret Santa Agenda:

Wednesday, December 20th: each student gives their secret Santa one written hint about themselves. 
Thursday, December 21st: each student gives their secret Santa a second written hint about themselves.
Friday, December 22nd: class Christmas party to celebrate the holidays and give their secret Santa gifts.

If you have any questions or concerns please talk to Mme. Lindsay or Mme. Campbell.

Happy holidays!

A math quiz and materials for Christmas decorations needed

  Hello from the world of bus days!  Two quick pieces of information.  We will be having a math quiz next Wednesday, December 13th on the properties of two-dimensional shapes.  We have been practicing labelling and describing the similarities and differences between shapes using math language and symbols.  Below is a review of the properties of 2D shapes with which students should be familiar, except that they only need to be able to identify right or 90 degree angles at the Grade 4 level.
  On a cheerier note, Sue Anderson has agreed to help the craft-challenged Mme Lindsay to create outdoor decorations for the HPS Christmas tree for the Primary concert.  If you could send in empty and clean tin cans (with lids), any coloured Sharpies you may have at home and any colourful string or ribbon, it would be greatly appreciated before Thursday, December 14th.
  Keep checking out our class calendar in December.  Lots of festive activities in our classroom and at the school!  Mme Lindsay

A big debate and creating treasure maps

  For the final focus in our study of rocks and minerals, we looked at a real-life local issue that involved the environmental impact of ext...